Rock your Life!

Hormone Yoga
Desire to have a Child

Want to take control of your hormones?

We help women to find new energy.
Hormone yoga classes, homeopathy and nutrition

Live online

Discover Hormone Yoga

  • Discover your body: Where do hot flashes come from?
  • Move your body: How to practice hormone yoga?
  • Relax your mind: activate relaxing to boost your hormones
Hormone Yoga Bali
Yoga standing side bend

Hormone production

  • The greatest chemical factory on earth is in your body.
  • Yoga activates the organs and glands producing the hormones you need for a happy life.
Yoga Low Lunge

New energy

  • Enhance your faculties to enhance life!
  • Overstep boundaries you set to yourself
Calm mind

Calm mind

  • Unwind and relax
  • Connect to your body – its yours and its beautiful!

Where would you like to begin?

Groupe classes hormone yoga

Short but regular sessions – live online. Our live online courses are yoga for beginners and intermediate. You get a schedule to commit to, motivation and are guided step-by-step during 30 minutes.

Currently conducted in German language only.

Wish for a Child - Fertility Programme

We present you an innovative combination of a proven homeopathy protocol and effective hormone yoga to accelerate your path to the miracle you’ve been longing for.

Menopause Homeopathy and Hormone Yoga

Experience relief from menopause symptoms with our holistic approach combining homeopathy, hormone yoga, and personalized nutrition advice.

Hormones in my life

Sweating when I needed it least (do we ever need it?), waking up in the middle of the night AGAIN.

I had tried tablets, stopped after 3 months. Changed diet.

None of them really solved the problem.

Then I found what really changed my life. I would like  to share that with you.


What is Hormone Yoga

What is Hormone Yoga

Hormone yoga to find your (inner) balanceWhat is hormone yoga? Hormones are like the ocean, they go up and down. They drag you along, whether you like it or not. So better to know how to balance them out. Yoga maintains the health of body and mind and prevents...

Relieve Back Pain with Inversion Poses

Relieve Back Pain with Inversion Poses

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From empty and lonely to abundance in life

From empty and lonely to abundance in life

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What makes a yoga class really good?

What makes a yoga class really good?

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