Wish for a Child - Fertility Programme

From Wishful Thinking to Joyful Parenting: Let’s Make It Happen


We present you an innovative combination of a proven homeopathy protocol and effective hormone yoga to accelerate your path to the miracle you’ve been longing for.

Our specialised program aims to give you the opportunity to get pregnant naturally, without the use of invasive procedures or the risk of harmful side effects.

Do you know this?

  • Depression
  • Panic attacks and mood swings
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Low libido

Maybe you as a woman suffer from endometriosis, luteal insufficiency or PCOS? Maybe you have tried medication such as Clomid and other therapies – without success. Maybe you’ve had miscarriages, are coming off the pill after years of taking it and just want to get pregnant naturally?

Perhaps the sperm quality is not quite what it should be?

Perhaps you have already attended numerous appointments with specialists together and have had unsuccessful IVF and/or ICSI treatments.

Would you like to…

  • Get pregnant naturally?
  • Regain balance and happiness?
  • Feel supported on your way to having a baby?

Then you’ve come to the right place!

What to expect

Homeopathy protocol according to Liz Lalor

The homeopathic protocol we use is based on the work of Dr Léon Vannier. His method of application has been extended to fertility and combines various remedies that work on several levels: they stimulate ovulation, ensure a regular cycle, strengthen the cervical mucus, improve the quality of sperm and at the same time promote a confident sense of well-being.

Most couples who come to see us have tried everything else and in desperation have finally decided to try homeopathy – despite usually great resistance and doubt.

If they do take the plunge, the success rate is quite high. When successful, pregnancy almost always occurs within 4 months, half of them within 2 months of starting the protocol.

    It takes up to 4 months for eggs to mature and ovulate, and sperm take 2 to 3 months to regenerate. It is therefore ideal to prioritise your health and fertility in the months leading up to conception. For this reason, the Fertility Harmony programme is designed to last 4 months.

    In addition to homeopathy, we support you in finding a customised diet and lifestyle changes. Together, we will lay the foundations for hormonal balance and improved fertility within a few months.

    Hormone Yoga

    We integrate effective hormone yoga for women, which harmonises your hormone balance and improves blood circulation in the pelvic area. This gentle but effective method not only supports fertility, but also promotes your physical and emotional relaxation.

    Personal support

    Our experienced team will be at your side throughout the entire programme.

    We take the time to understand your situation in all its complexity – both physically and mentally. We will carefully and impartially consider your unique history and environment.

    You will also receive recommendations for your diet and micronutrients. You can contact us via WhatsApp at any time during the 4 months if you have questions or if something is wrong. This is how we maximise the effectiveness of this proven method to increase your chances of a successful pregnancy.


    Time Investment

    • 1.5  hours Stocktaking
      • Physical condition, chronic illnesses
      • Environment, stress level, fears
      • Family history, traumas
      • Eating habits
    • Based on the findings you will receive
      • Homeopathic remedies for the woman and for the man
      • Nutritional recommendations
      • Micronutrient recommendations
    • 3 times 1 hour during the following 3 months
      • Check progress
      • Adjustments as required
    • 3 times 45 minutes of hormone yoga for women
      • You learn where and how hormones are produced
      • You learn movements, breathing techniques and relaxation exercises
      • You stimulate your hormone production and blood circulation in the pelvic floor
    • Access to recordings of 30-minute hormone yoga classes
      • Ongoing inspiration with new exercises
      • The more you practise, the more results you will achieve. In any case, the results will be there.
    • Support by phone and WhatsApp during the 4 months
      • If you have any questions or if you are not feeling well


    EUR 900 / Couple

    Services and benefits

    • Comprehensive 4-month programme as described above
    • Homeopathic remedies; shipping within EU

    Payment options

    • Payment by instalments possible on request
    • Payable by credit card, bank transfer or Paypal


    • You can join at any time, subject to availability. We accept a maximum of 5 new couples per month.

    Additional individual costs

    • Healthy food according to our recommendation
    • Food supplements

    The journey to your baby starts now!

    Of course, we can’t promise you anything, but there is a clearly increased probability that you will become pregnant within a very short time and will soon be able to hold your greatest happiness in your arms.

    The result also depends on whether you take the homeopathic remedies regularly and consistently, implement the recommended dietary measures and the exercises we show you. In particular, you will be asked to follow a low-sugar and anti-inflammatory diet that promotes good gut health.

    Simply knowing that you are receiving support on the way to your child can lead to more relaxation and new motivation.

    With our programme Fertility Harmony, women often see improvements in themselves (energy, libido, mood and sleep) and in their hormones and fertility (ovulation, cervical mucus and menstruation) – within one or two cycles of the programme.

    You take action

    Homeopathic remedies

    As an example, Folliculinum is an important component in the natural stimulation of ovulation and therefore an important homeopathic remedy for women. It is made from natural oestrogen and supports the oestrogen surge before ovulation. Folliculinum helps to stimulate ovulation and promote the production of cervical mucus. Healthy, stringy cervical mucus is crucial for sperm to reach the egg in the middle of the cycle.

    Over the course of the programme, women often notice positive changes in their cycle, such as a cycle length of 26-31 days and a reduction in PMS symptoms such as mood swings, irritability, breast tenderness, fatigue and cravings before menstruation.

    Adapted nutrition

    A balanced diet, rich in protein, fat and fibre, is crucial for healthy hormone production and fertility. Many people do not consume enough omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for hormone balancing and preventing inflammations. These fats are essential for the production of hormones and neurotransmitters that affect fertility, mood and energy.

    In our Fertility Harmony programme, we focus on a balanced and low-sugar diet, without excessive calorie counting or deprivation. During the initial consultation, we carry out a nutritional analysis and provide personalised recommendations to improve fertility.


    Unfortunately, there are situations in which we cannot help with the Fertility Harmony programme:

    • If the woman is older than 43
    • Organic disorders such as tubal occlusion
    • Untreated undescended testicles in infancy

    Let’s meet

    We can understand that you would certainly like to have some questions answered and get to know us before we start therapy together. We therefore suggest that we meet for a free half-hour video call. Not only can we talk about your concerns, but we can also find out whether our programme is suitable for both of you. We may also be able to give you tips on alternative approaches.

    You can choose the date and time that suits you both best.

    We look forward to getting to know you!

    If you’re already sure that this programme is right for you, you can register directly here.

    Who we are

    Our team of experts is dedicated to the balance of body, hormones and mind. We offer holistic support with a comprehensive care package.

    Lioba Homöopathie

    Lioba Steinkamp

    Certified homeopath

    “Always consider the person as a whole, including physical, mental and emotional aspects”

    Lioba Steinkamp is a certified homeopath based in Amsterdam. With extensive experience, she offers holistic healing services in English, German and Dutch.

    Lioba believes in the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Using classical homeopathy, she gets to the root of ailments and guides patients to optimal health.

    Her approach is holistic and takes into account the interactions of body, mind and emotions. Lioba uses customised homeopathic remedies and Bach flower essences to promote healing and balance.

    After her success in supporting pregnancy, birth and postpartum care, Lioba decided to focus on and treating couples with an unfulfilled desire to have children. She has found homeopathic remedies for many aspects that can lead to infertility and puts them into practice together with the couple.

    Miliza Hormon-Yoga

    Milica Ceh

    Certified teacher of hormone yoga according to Dinah Rodrigues

    “Our mind and emotions follow our body”

    Milica Ceh is a passionate hormone yoga teacher who accompanies women on their way to pregnancy and helps ladies in the later stages of life to get through the menopause happily. Her classes are dynamic in pace and conclude with soothing anti-stress exercises.

    After leaving the business world behind in 2017, Milica set out in search of a more fulfilling way of life. In 20219 she completed her Yoga Alliance RRYS200 Integral Yoga Teacher Training. Since then she has expanded her knowledge and experience by gaining certifications in Svastha Yoga Therapy for the back and shoulders and in Hormone Yoga Therapy according to Dinah Rodrigues.

    With her warm personality and profound knowledge, she is a valued teacher and mentor for women seeking balance, health and happiness.

    We work hand in hand to provide you with the best possible support.

    Make the first step

    Sign up today and start your journey to fulfil your desire to have children!

    We accompany you step by step.

    Homeopathy: Understanding and strengthening your body

    Classical homeopathy is a gentle and profound method that helps to recognise and heal the causes of illness. We believe that the body itself basically knows what it needs to heal – in homeopathy we call this the vital life force. During a treatment, we look together for the underlying causes of your symptoms and listen to the individual language of your body.

    Your body is closely connected to your mind, your emotions and your personal history. Symptoms indicate blockages, traumas or aspects that need to be changed. A well-chosen homeopathic remedy can promote positive changes, help you to find a new balance and support you in understanding yourself better.

    What is special about our homeopathy protocol, which specifically supports fertility and optimally prepares the body for pregnancy, is the combination of several remedies that act on different levels and are therefore not the same depending on the phase of your cycle.

    What is Hormone Yoga?

    Hormone yoga is a therapy that consists of postures, movements and breathing exercises that specifically activate your organs and glands to produce oestrogen and progesterone. It also stimulates blood flow to your pelvic floor, which benefits all the organs in this area as well as your libido.

    Dinah Rodrigues, a yoga teacher and Dr of Psychology from Brazil, developed this technique. She also confirmed its effectiveness through studies carried out in collaboration with the University of Sao Paolo.

    If you have never done yoga before, you will benefit the most from it. You will be guided step by step through the poses and your glands and organs will love the new treatment.

    If you are already an experienced yogini, you will learn new things and find a regular practice.

    If you are overweight, your belly will sometimes bother you and you will have to squeeze around it or into it. You may even start to sweat. As long as you are willing to accept this 3 times a week, you can participate.

    When not to practise Hormone Yoga?

    • If your oestrogen level should not be increased, e.g. in the case of breast cancer or severe endometriosis. In this case, you will receive gentle exercises to help you relax.
    • If you suffer from hyperthyroidism or high blood pressure, let us know and we will show you modifications for certain exercises.
    • Do not practise during your period.