12 pictures from 12 July 2022, after surgery
It’s an old blogging tradition to take 12 photos on the 12th of the month. On 12 July 2022 was day 1 after the second surgery.
The uterus, appendix and the lymphatic network above the abdomen had been taken out and yet the day after the operation was already active with walks in the park next to the Women’s Clinic in St. Gallen.
7 am
When only the toes can do a bit of yoga and breakfast comes made-to-measure to the bed.

7.30 am
You know you have low blood pressure? Yes, I know. No, there is no medication for low blood pressure. Finish your bottle of water. After that it’s a bit better. Red wine is also supposed to help – no, not in hospital.

First walk
Movement is the order of the day. As soon as the plastic bottles are gone, the first steps lead to the bathroom and after that there are no more limits to freedom. For this first day, the park around the hospital grounds was enough. Wonderful!

Was this soup for lunch or in the evening? Don’t know any more. It was not very variable. You simply have to ignore this first day from a culinary point of view.

What we wish for?
Visiting hours in heaven

A stay in hospital is never funny. It is always associated with pain – although with the new surgical methods and medications this is minimal, at least it was for me.
The anaesthetist had advised me to think of something nice the minute before the general anaesthetic took effect. I had prepared that scene. After waking up, I stayed in the ICU for an hour, in silence, and the beautiful thought developed into a new perspective.
This time out can be an opportunity to see something new, perhaps even to set new priorities.